
+ Application Form (online form)  

+ You can invest in one or more Ausbil fund by completing the online Application Form. However, If you would prefer paper-based forms, please complete the relevant forms available here.

+ The form(s) allows for Individual or Joint applications, SMSF (regulated funds) application, Company application and Trust (unregulated funds) application.

+ For other investor types or any questions, please call Ausbil Client Services on 1800 287 245 (1800 AUSBIL).

+ We are required to verify your identification and the online application form will guide through the verification process. A summary of required documentation, which is subject to change from time to time, is as follows:

    + An Australian driver’s licence or Australian passport for you, joint applicants, directors and/or beneficial owners.

    + For SMSFs, an extract of SMSF documentation from ‘Super Fund Lookup’.

    + For Companies and Trusts, certified copies of Trust documentation and extracts of documentation that identify the Company ownership structure, including any linked companies, parents, directors and/or beneficial owners. In addition, certified copies of any Power of Attorney and Authorised Signatories.

+ Please note, paper-based application forms require additional processes.

+ To add a financial adviser to your account, please use the Appoint or Change Financial Adviser form.

Funding your Application

When do I send funds to Ausbil?

When your application is processed, you will receive a welcome email which will provide you with confirmation of your application and instructions on how to transfer funds to complete your investment.

Please ensure you follow the instructions carefully, in particular when using codes, reference numbers and account numbers/names, to ensure your funds are allocated correctly.

If Ausbil does not receive funding within 30 days of your application, we reserve the right to return your documentation to you to and the application will be deemed unsuccessful.

What is Ausbil’s Bank Account Details?

You can arrange a direct credit and transfer funds into the following account:
Account Name: Ausbil Invt Mgt Ltd - Application 
BSB: 242 000
Account Number: 245491018

PLEASE NOTE: From 27 November 2023, Ausbil updated its bank account for applications. If you have invested by EFT previously, you may need to update the bank account stored in your internet banking.  

Does Ausbil accept application funding via BPAY?

Yes. Please refer to the below for the biller code for each Ausbil Fund. As part of the introduction of BPAY, all investors have been issued with a new investor number consisting of 9 digits. You will be required to use the 9 digit investor number as the 'Customer Reference Numnber' after inserting the Biller Code for the relevant Fund you wish to invest in.

When is Cut-Off?

Cut off time is strictly 2:30pm AEST each business day.

Confirming your Application and Funding

How will I know if my application for units was successful?

You will receive a confirmation statement from Ausbil once units in the fund have been allocated to you.
This confirmation statement is sent to you via email or mail, depending on the method of communication you have selected on your application form. If you do not receive a confirmation statement, please contact Ausbil Client Services on 1800 287 245 toll free.

What if I made an application and I no longer wish to invest the same amount, as indicated on the application form?

If you would like to invest a lesser amount than indicated on your application form you will need to contact Ausbil Client Services immediately on 1800 287 245. You will then be instructed to amend the relevant section on the Ausbil Application Form and re-send this to us. You can either post or email this page. Ausbil will then modify the investment amount and process your application. We cannot process the application until we receive the correct documentation stating to the amount invested. This may affect the unit price applying to your investment. It is not until you receive a confirmation statement that you are an investor in the fund.

Investor Online

How do I get access to Ausbil Investor Online?

Once you have received your confirmation statement, you will be invited to join Ausbil Investor Online. This is a free service for our direct investors and advisers. If you would like to register for this service, please visit www.ausbil.com.au and select 'Login'. Please select 'Already an Investor.' You will need a registration code by contacting Ausbil Client Services. Please contact Ausbil Client Services on 1800 287 245.

I am having difficulty logging into my Ausbil Investor Online account?

Firstly, make sure you have used the same email address which you used when you applied for the units.
Secondly, you should try logging in on a different browser i.e. Google Chrome, Safari or Internet Explorer. At times these browsers are updated and usually this is where the problem lies.


Updating your Details

What if my details change?

If you need to update your address, or change your email, adviser details or general contact information you will need to complete the Ausbil Change of Details form. This form will need to be signed by all signatories and sent to Ausbil Investment Management Limited, GPO BOX 804, Melbourne VIC 3001. Ausbil will only accept originals. Please do not send faxed or emailed copies as these will not be accepted.

Transferring Units

What if I want to transfer my units from a platform/wrap to hold them directly with Ausbil?

If you would like to transfer your holdings from a platform/wrap to hold them directly with Ausbil you will need to complete an Australian Standard Transfer Form (with the platform/wrap as the seller and the new investor as the buyer). In addition, Ausbil will require new application documentation with all relevant Client ID forms.

What if I only want to transfer some or all of my units to another investor?

If you would like to transfer some or all of your units to another direct investor in Ausbil, you will need to complete the Australian Standard Transfer Form and have both the buyer and seller sign the document. Please confirm all details are listed on the form and send directly to Ausbil Investment Management Limited, GPO BOX 804, Melbourne VIC 3001.

If you would like to transfer units to any other person that person will need to complete a new application documentation and Client ID forms.

Changing your Investor Type

What if I want to change the type of investor i.e. from individual to joint or from individual trustees to a corporate trustee and there is a change in beneficial ownership?

If there is a change in beneficial ownership you will be required to complete an Australian Standard Transfer Form and complete all new application documentation. See Fund PDS and Forms.

Deceased Estate Guide

What do I do in the event of the death of an investor?

Where the death of an investor or account signatory occurs, it is likely that some changes will need to be made on the account. For example:

  • Redemption
  • Transfer of investment beneficiaries
  • Renaming of account (e.g. to a testamentary trust or estate)
  • Appointment of new signatories
  • Changes to banking details

Each set of circumstances will be unique so please contact our Client Service Team on 1800 287 245 (toll free) to discuss what is required and the best way to facilitate any changes.

Note that we will always require a certified copy of the Death certificate. Depending on the circumstances we may also need to see other documents such as as:

  • Certified copy of the Will
  • Certified copy of Probate/ Letters of Administration
  • Certified Identification documents for Executors

Unit Prices

How do I check the unit prices?

Unit prices are published on the Ausbil website in the Ausbil Fund Centre. Please note, Ausbil operates on a forward pricing model. This means that the unit price for a given day is not calculated until close of business that day and will not be reflected in the Fund Centre until the following day.

Additional Investments

How do I make an additional investment?

You will need to complete the Ausbil Additional Investment form. This can be found here. Please make sure you complete this in its entirety. This will need to be signed by all authorised signatories. Once complete you can email the form to contactus@ausbil.com.au OR post it to Ausbil Investment Management Limited, GPO BOX 804, Melbourne VIC 3001. Please note, that cut off time is 2:30pm AEST on each business day.

Can I set up a regular savings plan to automatically debit additional contributions to my investment?

Unfortunately, Ausbil does not facilitate regular savings plans. You will need to complete a new Additional Investment form for each supplementary investment.

What if I want to make an investment into a fund which is different to the one I’ve already purchased units in?

This is OK. You can purchase units in different funds to the one you originally invested in without having to complete new application paperwork. Please note, each investment is subject to the minimum initial investment amount. You will need to complete an Additional Investment Form available here and deposit funding using your 9 digit investor number as the reference.

What’s the minimum additional application amount?

The minimum additional amount is $5,000. Please note, the minimum account balance is $20,000. 

Redemptions and Withdrawing from the Fund

How do I make a redemption/withdrawal from my account?

Please complete the Ausbil Redemption Form. This needs to be completed in its entirety and signed by all authorised signatories. You can find this form here.

What if I want the redemption proceeds paid into a different bank account to what was originally nominated on the application form?

If you would like the proceeds paid to a different bank account complete a Change of Details Form to update your nominated bank account. You will need to send the original to Ausbil Investment Management, GPO BOX 804, Melbourne VIC, 3001. Faxed, emailed or photocopied documents will not be accepted. 

Will Ausbil put the funds into a third parties account on my behalf?

No. Ausbil does not pay funds to third parties. Funds will only be deposited into your nominated bank account.

Does Ausbil pay redemptions with a cheque?

No. Ausbil does not pay redemptions by way of cheque.

When can I expect the funds to be in my account?

Once the instruction has been received by Ausbil, assuming it is before 2:30pm AEST and there are no errors or outstanding issues with your form or the account details, funds generally appear in your account in approximately 5 business days. A confirmation statement is sent to you via email or mail, depending on which method of communication you have elected.


How do I know when to expect a distribution payment?

Distributions are either paid annually, semi-annually or quarterly. Please refer to the PDS. Distributions will either be paid out in cash to your nominated bank account, or alternatively, re-invested, if you have elected for this to occur.

How do I change my distribution method?

If you want to change your distribution method (from re-investment to cash, or vice-versa), you will need to complete the Ausbil Change of Details form. This can be found here.

Once complete, please send the signed original to Ausbil Investment Management, GPO BOX 804, Melbourne VIC 3001.

Tax Statements, Distribution Statements and Periodic Statements

When should I expect to receive my tax or distribution statement?

Ausbil will issue a distribution statement at the end of every distribution period and a tax statement at the end of each tax year. These statements are sent approximately 10 business days after the end of the distribution period or tax year. Tax statements are sent to you via email or mail, depending on the method of communication you have elected on your application.

I did not receive my tax, distribution or periodic statements. What can I do?

Please contact Ausbil Client Services and we can email these to you, after answering some security questions to identify yourself.

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